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Posts from May 2004

Scheduled Downtime May 29, 2004

We apologize for the intermittent slow performance of TypePad web sites over the past 2-3 days. We're having some problems with our storage servers, so we're scheduling a hardware upgrade for the early morning of Saturday, May 29, 2004, from 12:00am to 2:00am Pacific time. During that time, TypePad-powered sites and TypePad itself will be down for maintenance. Thanks for your patience!

Update: completed.

TypePad vs. Comment Spammers

Recently we added some simple tests that eliminate a large amount of comment spam on TypePad blogs.  According to our logs, most spammers try to cover their tracks by sending their posts through an "Open
Proxy Server".  An Open Proxy Server is a misconfigured or infected machine that forwards web requests for anyone on the entire Internet. The spammers use these proxies to avoid the one commment-per-minute restriction and the Blog Owner's IP address blocking.

Continue reading "TypePad vs. Comment Spammers" »

TypePad Spain Launches

As promised in our announcement about TypePad France, we have now launched TypePad Spain. We'll be sending our current TypePad (US) subscribers located in Spain a message about how to take advantage of this localized service. If you're in Europe and are interested in using TypePad France or TypePad Spain and don't receive an email, please open a help ticket and we'll explain more about this process.