Feedback in moderation, and a new Widget
May 24, 2006
This afternoon we released two new features that are the latest in our efforts to provide TypePad bloggers the best tools for growing and managing an active community of readers and commenters.
You can now moderate TrackBacks independently of comments. Before today, our moderation preference was set on both types of feedback at once. Now you can choose to moderate one, the other or both. Our recommended configuration for active blogs is moderating TrackBacks, requiring CAPTCHA for unauthenticated comments, and providing users the ability to sign in via TypeKey to comment.
It’s now much easier to set those feedback preferences. Even though they’re the kind of preferences you want to set and forget, we still want to make the experience as straightforward as possible. The Weblog Configure tab now has a new “Feedback” page for setting your preferences for how your blog should handle inbound comments and TrackBacks.
Additionally, we just posted a new Widget that shows off a little bit of what's possible with the magical combination of Widgets and JavaScript. We've heard frequently that users want to have links to outside sites open in a new Window; this new widget does exactly that by installing a simple bit of JavaScript on your blog. We've got a few more of those in development, so stay tuned...