Feedback in moderation, and a new Widget
Trumba and Mercora: two great new Widgets

Connect your TypePad feed to FeedBurner

feedburner-logo.gif We've been fans of FeedBurner for quite a while – they know the technology, business and user experience of feeds and content syndication better than pretty much anyone on the planet.  And they've built a great service that enables bloggers to manage their feeds, publicize their content, track reader statistics and earn a bit of money along the way.

This afternoon we introduced a new feature to TypePad that we're very excited about.  You can now seamlessly connect your TypePad weblog's feed to FeedBurner.  If you're already using FeedBurner, this means once you connect your feed, all of your readers who subscribe to your TypePad feeds will automatically receive that content from FeedBurner.  And if you're not using FeedBurner on your blog, once you have a FeedBurner account we make it really easy for you to create a new feed there, and connect it to your TypePad blog.

To connect your weblog's feed to FeedBurner, sign in to TypePad and visit the freshly redesigned Feeds page under the Configure tab for your blog.

feedburner-screenshot.gif In designing the feature we've tried to make it as simple and straightforward as possible. When you choose to connect your weblog to FeedBurner, we ask you to provide your FeedBurner username and password. (We only use this for the setup transaction, and we don't keep it around in our database.) You can then choose to either connect your blog to an existing feed you're managing, or choose to create a new feed.

The change for your readers will be transparent. If they were previously pulling your feed from TypePad (regardless of the flavor of feed they were pulling), they'll be automatically redirected to your feed on FeedBurner. You don't even have to republish your blog – all the magic happens behind the scenes. The one thing you should be aware of is that depending on how certain feed aggregators work, your readers may see posts in your feed show up as new items. But this will only happen once because of the transition to the new FeedBurner feed. You can read more about feeds on TypePad in our searchable Knowledge Base.

Once you've connected your feed to FeedBurner, it's really easy to promote it on your blog using the TypePad Widgets that FeedBurner's created and integrated into their site. You can quickly add a "Subscribe Now" button or an email subscription box that lets your users subscribe to your blog via email by looking for the TypePad logo inside FeedBurner's "Publicize" tab.

And, as always, we have more great features on the stay tuned!