TypePad Mobile and the Treo 680
An invisible upgrade

Listen to our conversation with Debbie Weil

Yesterday I had the pleasure of chatting with Debbie Weil, author of The Corporate Blogging Book, for our series of podcasts with authors who blog on TypePad.  Debbie was gracious enough to spend 20 minutes with us to talk about why business are blogging, who's doing it well and to pass on some advice to business that are just getting started with blogs.  You can listen to our conversation here, or you can grab the 9.5mb file directly.

This is our fourth TypePad podcast; hopefully we're getting better at these!  Our apologies to the intrepid users who tried to tune into our Skypecast with Debbie last week; to simplify matters we went a bit more "old tech" for this week's conversation.  If you're interested in subscribing to our amateur radio experiments in iTunes or another favorite audio player, you can grab an RSS feed of just our podcasts from our friends at Odeo.