What do the TV program This Old House, David Sedaris, the Boston Red Sox, and the historic preservation of Boston have in common? They are just some of the topics covered by passionate and prolific TypePad bloggers in the Boston area.
Interior designer Abbey Koplovitz presents design tips for the rest of us in her blog, On Interior Design, sharing beautiful photos that illustrate her design challenges and accomplishments. One of her recent renovation projects will be featured this fall in the TV program This Old House, whose editors and producers keep three different TypePad blogs for the show and magazine: Old House My House, The Shelter Life, and The Hardware Aisle.
Aisle Be Seeing You is a blogospheric guide to the Boston Celebrity Series, a music, dance and art performance series presenting a wide range of performers who will visit Boston this season, including Itzhak Perlman, The Paul Taylor Dance Troupe, and David Sedaris. The blog gives great links to resources about each performer.
And how ‘bout those Red Sox? Three popular TypePad blogs discuss, dissect, analyze, and laugh at the adventures of the Sox, covering everything from the shape of Josh Beckett’s facial hair in the humorous blog Cursed To First, to Derek Hixon’s analysis of the team’s performance in the Sawx Blog, to commentary on the relative merits of the Sox vs. the Yankees on the active Yanks Fan Sox Fan blog. All three of these blogs are entertaining and engaging, as you can see by the many comments of their readers.
For a walk down memory lane, visit the City Record and Boston News-Letter, where you will find rich information about the history of Boston and its environs. Historian Charles Swift shares old Boston maps, recommends good summer reads, and answers readers’ questions about all things Boston history.