TypePad Tour: Toronto
August 08, 2007
Join us in a tour of five TypePad blogs that capture the energy, creativity, and humor of TypePad customers in Toronto.
Let's start this tour with a great meal. The Cheap Eats Toronto blog offers a veritable treasure trove of reasonably priced restaurants, extending the reach of the book by the same name (published by Plethora Press). The restaurant gossip section keeps us up on who's just opened, who's closed, and who's moved locations. The blog contains a poll called "Toronto Says", offers updates on food festivals, and carries beautiful photos of food.
Now that we're fortified, let's visit a high-energy blog that will keep us up on all tech matters Canadian and beyond. Amber MacArthur is the well-known host of several tech-related podcast and videocast programs, including one for Citytv in Toronto. Amber's eponymous TypePad blog, Amber Mac, contagiously conveys her excitement about technology and includes many of her own and other videos and podcasts that capture the pulse of the Canadian and greater online world.
Now for some humor. Toronto is home to talented illustrator and cartoonist Patricia Storms, who uses her TypePad blog, Booklust, to share her engaging illustrations, muse about books she's read, and comment on the state of Canadian and other literature, among other things. Her writing and cartoons are intelligent, often irreverent, sometimes racy, and always engaging, as the many comments to her posts demonstrate. Check out the children's books she recently illustrated for Scholastic Canada and Chronicle books in her right side bar.
Speaking of children, a group of parents in Toronto have them covered in the TypePad blog, Mommy Blogs Toronto. Don't let the name of this blog fool you: a dad contributes to this blog, too, offering his take on parenting in Toronto. Mommy Blogs Toronto is a collective of blogs from very talented bloggers in the southern Ontario region, and does not limit itself to children by any means. Topics include sex, gossip, food, politics, and technology.
After taking this Toronto tour, are you ready to look into real estate in the area? You can learn all about Toronto's tony neighborhoods, among other things, in the Toronto Real Estate Blog a collection of articles about the state of Toronto's real estate market. This comprehensive blog, written by 30 year real estate veteran Fraser Beach, also has information about the residential markets around Canada and the US, as well as advice on buying a home in Toronto.