TypePad Tour: Toronto
Maintenance this Friday Night / Saturday Morning

Upgrading to TypePad just got easier

One of more popular feature requests lately has been a way to make it easy to upgrade from a Wordpress blog to TypePad. So yesterday afternoon we enhanced the Import / Export functionality to support importing your WordPress blog to TypePad via the WordPress eXtended RSS export format. There's more information about the new feature in our knowledge base, but the import process is simple and easy:

  1. Export your blog from Wordpress by navigating to the Manage > Export tab in your Wordpress dashboard and clicking the "Download Export File" button.
  2. Import your blog into TypePad by navigating to the Manage > Import/Export tab in the TypePad control, selecting the file you just downloaded and clicking the "Import" button.

That's it! You're done!

The importer will move your posts, comments, pings and even pages from your Wordpress blog into TypePad, so if you've been looking to upgrade, now's the time.