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TypePad Celebrates "Take Your Dog To Work Day"

Did you know that today is Take Your Dog To Work Day?

The Humane Society of the United States are proud supporters of Take Your Dog To Work Day. The organization's President and CEO Wayne Pacelle is an active blogger who says that having their dogs around at the office "reminds us of who we're working for".  Established in 1954 and blogging since 2007, the Humane Society advocates sensible ways to help animals all across the country, from shelters to Congress, and makes the world a more humane place for all of us.  Over on the Humane Society's TypePad blog they're even holding a caption contest for the hard-at-work Piper (an adorable chihuahua mix).

Almost every day is Take Your Dog To Work Day here at Six Apart, as you can see below.

(L to R) Ben and Maddy, Staci and Jax, Sergeja and Sushi, Steve and Rudy:


Penelope Trott takes Rudy for a spin while Mom and Dad work:


Did you celebrate Take Your Dog To Work Day today?


Moira McLaughlin

Here's my post for Take Your Dog to Work Day...


And you Typepad dog lovers might enjoy my new film "Dogs in Art" celebrating 5,000 years of dog art.



Laurie Luck

Love that you've featured TYDTWD! I used to work for the Federal government and I was also a volunteer puppy raiser for a service dog organization. Every day was take the puppy to work day for me then and it was really nice. Except that they weren't really *my* puppies and I had to turn them back in after a year. THAT was a real bummer. But I did enjoy every minute with them!

Thanks for showing how dog-friendly your offices are - that's way cool!

Account Deleted

Love the photo! Wish there was a "Take your cat to work day" because I've got two of 'em. Boy, that would be chaos!


What a horrible and inconciderate concept! What about all the people who are allergic or afraid of dogs?

lmj (alias hez)

Wow, I'm sure glad no one did that in my office - I would've been in the emergency room before lunchtime! I love animals, but am very allergic to them to the point of not being able to breathe unless I'm heavily medicated. I hope everyone was warned before animals were brought in so they could get allergy medication from their doctor or given the chance to take the day off to avoid a medical emergency!


One nice thing about working in a home office... every day is TYDTWD! We rescued my dog, Itzy (part Lhasa and part Pekingese), about a year after I went full-time as a freelancer. She's a joy to have plus she makes me move away from the computer screen at least once a day as I take her for her walk.

One of my doctors had three dogs in the office when I went in for my visit. It really warms up an environment and makes everyone friendlier. Well, except those who are allergic. I suppose the best thing is to make sure you don't have allergic employees.

A doctor's office would be a different story as it's a place where different people come in daily.

Barbara Ruth Saunders

Sounds like a good idea to me to have a Telecommute Day on the same day as Take Your Dog to Work Day. Everybody wins!

Einar Páll

Although I had no idea that there was a “Take your dog to work day” on the 20th I posted a blog on my new site about my dog and the advantage of taking your dog to work. Unfortunately for most of the world the article is in Icelandic.

I am lucky because I can walk to work. In the morning I take my dog Brenna, a three year old Golden, and walk 1.5 miles to work. In the afternoon we take a shorter path and walk a mile. The main reason I can sustain repeating this every week, every month and all year long is my dogs need to go out and take a walk every day without exception. I am also lucky because I can keep her on a very large balcony at work when she is not inside with me.

Here is the advantage for me: When I add the walk up it amounts to 15 miles a week, including the bit shorter weekend walks. So in a month we walk 60 miles together. So in a year we have walked 720 miles. I guess this is the biggest contribution to my health from anyone I know.

If it wasn’t for Brenna I would probably walk out the door into my car and drive the 2.5 miles every day. My health would be worse. I would probably have a membership in a health club that I wasn’t using, my gasoline cost would be considerably higher, my blood pressure would be higher and I would not step on the weight as often as I dare.

Hope all of you had a nice “Take your dog to work day”

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