TypePad Bloggers: Dancing Around the World, Landing Book Deals!
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TypePad Mommy Bloggers Embark on Their Summer Road Trip ’08

When was the last time you went on a road trip? The feeling of freedom as you hit the open road… the wind in your hair… the adventure of discovering new people and places… the traffic, the gas prices, the fast food and truck stops…

Svmoms Now you can experience all of it (the good, the bad, and the hilarious) from the comfort of your own computer screen.  Four adventurous women from the TypePad-powered Silicon Valley Moms Blog were selected to drive across the country and blog about their travels, hotel stays, media appearances, time away from their families, and life on the road. Six Apart helped them partner up with General Motors, who provided the blogging mommies with a Chevy Tahoe Hybrid SUV to help make their journey comfy, safe, and a little more green.

For those of you not familiar with this amazing group of women, SV Moms is a group of over 200 bloggers who showcase the ups, downs, outrages, struggles, victories, and everyday humor of motherhood. There are currently nine regional and demographically tailored sites that give mothers from D.C., New Jersey, the Deep South, Rocky Mountains, L.A., and Silicon Valley a powerful voice and sense of camaraderie across the country.

Priceless The four selected moms will get a chance to see some of that country and share it with you using the latest blogging technology. From wireless internet access to GPS navigation to lots of cutting-edge gadgets, the moms are equipped with everything they need to blog and video blog this once-in-a-lifetime journey.

The moms buckled into their Chevy Tahoe Hybrid SUV on July 11th in Washington, D.C., and even got a nice video message from Katie Couric to kick things off.  Currently they are en route to Denver, Colorado, where they’ll pick up another contributor. They’ll arrive in San Francisco on Friday, July 17th where they’ll attend an SV Moms Group Party and the BlogHer ’08 Conference.

You do not want to miss these hilarious and irreverent bloggers (or their spontaneous contest giveaways!) as they blog from the road. Experience the journey at MomRoadTrip.com.

We've got more BlogHer conference news coming up this week, so stay tuned.  And let us know about your summer road trips in the comments!


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