Jan 31 - TypePad Basics Teleseminar
Are You A TypePad Fan on Facebook?



You should include your employees Gravatar on support tickets. I have submitted tickets in the past during a bad day with sentences that I wouldn't have likely communicated in person (sorry...). Having a Gravatar might increase civility.


That's a great idea! I've thought about this before, but you've articulated it in a great way. I'll send this to our product team as a feature suggestion.

Thanks for the idea, and for participating.

Now someone else has to comment because my head is on here THREE times.


haha...it's nice to know you by look-see, Ginerva. I am liking GetSatisfaction too (saw it on a post of yours). I shall try and get it embedded on my site. In the meantime, thanks for all you do :)

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Really liking the responses and interaction with TypePad staff and fellow users on GetSatisfaction. I hope the TypePad team can take our suggestions into consideration and bring some to fruition quickly! Thanks.


oh, I'm SO glad you like it. I like it a lot too. I think having the answers be public and searchable and covered in happy faces is loads of fun.

There's also a cool "Overheard" feature to answer Twitter questions public-style, which is really great too. I love Twitter as a tool, but things can get shuffled in the timeline.

Let me know if you have any other feedback. :)


thank YOU. It's always nice to hear people appreciating our efforts to make things better. :)


How do I increase visibility so that my typepad blog can easily be googled ? At the moment when I google my typepad blog (a tasty blog) nothing shows up. I have another blog (fromcoffeewithlove.com) and I already get 12,000 hits a month but with my current blog, I'm getting about 120 a month. Hmmmm !

Help please.



Hi Lameen! Our blogging professor Andy Wibbles will be doing a post here soon on Search Engine Optimization. You can google around in the meantime and find some of the basic guidelines. I wish I was more help, but I'm just starting to learn SEO myself. :)

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Hello fellow blogger, I stopped by your site and thought maybe you would like to swap links with me, after adding http://voiceofbragg.com with the title "Blog Till Death" to your site, message me and I will add yours...have a great day

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