Favorite Blogs: Jaffe Juice
January 12, 2009
Jaffe Juice is the blog from Joseph Jaffe: President and Chief Interruptor of crayon, a strategic consultancy firm that encourages its clients to "join the conversation". With two books and endless articles to his name, Joseph says the primary objectives of Jaffe Juice are three-fold:
- As an industry evangelist, to walk my talk and understand conversational marketing from the inside out
- To generate interest and leads for crayon
- As a thought leadership platform, to secure speaking engagements, press inquiries and partnership opportunities
A few of our favorite posts are: "how many social media experts does it take to make 2009 predictions", about if the glass is half full or half empty: "who cares is it's full of 18 year old scotch", and about the communications challenge the Big 3 automakers have.
Visit Jaffe Juice.