I Love Blogging: 'Completely Addictive'
Favorite Blogs: Beth's Blog on How Nonprofits Can Use Social Media

I Love Blogging: 'Things Out of My Head and Into Yours'

Blog_300 This post is part of our I Love Blogging Valentine's Day celebration. In this post, Michael, our resident Mad Men expert, lists why he loves blogging:

I was tagged for two things this week — one for a post about how much I love blogging, and another for that “25 things” meme that’s making its way around the web. I thought I’d kill two birds with one stone, so here are 25 things I love about blogs, blogging and bloggers. In no particular order…

  1. Blogging is about passion.
  2. Bloggers love good food. Like Michael Ruhlman does.
  3. Blogs are good for Sharing Right Now and Saving For Later.
  4. Bloggers are great filters. Like Jason Kottke is.
  5. Bloggers love art. Like Tyler Green does.
  6. Blogging lets me get things out of my head and into yours.
  7. Bloggers make beautiful things. Like Blair Peter does.
  8. Blogging lets me keep it short or stretch it out, depending on just how much I want to say.
  9. Bloggers are obsessed with pop culture. Like Rich Juzwiak is.
  10. Blogs feed the Googlebot. And the Googlebot is hungry.
  11. Bloggers find things you don’t. Like Rex Sorgatz and Andy Baio do.
  12. My blog is the number one result for my name in Google. And I like it that way.
  13. Blogs changed media…but not in that “David slaying Goliath” way that everyone thought they would way back when.
  14. Blogs are simple.
  15. Bloggers love architecture. Like Dan Hill does.
  16. My blog helped me meet some of my best friends.
  17. Bloggers write great books. LIke Steven Johnson does.
  18. My blog is an endless source of fascination for the few people I know who don’t blog. I’m working on ‘em.
  19. Blogging is easy.
  20. My blog is mine. I’m the host of the conversation.
  21. Blogging is therapy for information overload disease.
  22. My blog is an archive of my life. You might not care about what I was doing and thinking five years ago, but I do.
  23. Bloggers are green. Like Zem Joaquin is.
  24. Bloggers overshare. Like Daisy Barringer does, and like I’m doing with this post.
  25. Blogs are made of people.

Michael-sippey Michael Sippey is a VP of Products at Six Apart. He's been blogging since 1995 and blogs today at sippey.typepad.com and michael.vox.com.


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