I Love Blogging: 'Things Out of My Head and Into Yours'
February 13, 2009
This post is part of our I Love Blogging Valentine's Day celebration. In this post, Michael, our resident Mad Men expert, lists why he loves blogging:
I was tagged for two things this week — one for a post about how much I love blogging, and another for that “25 things” meme that’s making its way around the web. I thought I’d kill two birds with one stone, so here are 25 things I love about blogs, blogging and bloggers. In no particular order…
- Blogging is about passion.
- Bloggers love good food. Like Michael Ruhlman does.
- Blogs are good for Sharing Right Now and Saving For Later.
- Bloggers are great filters. Like Jason Kottke is.
- Bloggers love art. Like Tyler Green does.
- Blogging lets me get things out of my head and into yours.
- Bloggers make beautiful things. Like Blair Peter does.
- Blogging lets me keep it short or stretch it out, depending on just how much I want to say.
- Bloggers are obsessed with pop culture. Like Rich Juzwiak is.
- Blogs feed the Googlebot. And the Googlebot is hungry.
- Bloggers find things you don’t. Like Rex Sorgatz and Andy Baio do.
- My blog is the number one result for my name in Google. And I like it that way.
- Blogs changed media…but not in that “David slaying Goliath” way that everyone thought they would way back when.
- Blogs are simple.
- Bloggers love architecture. Like Dan Hill does.
- My blog helped me meet some of my best friends.
- Bloggers write great books. LIke Steven Johnson does.
- My blog is an endless source of fascination for the few people I know who don’t blog. I’m working on ‘em.
- Blogging is easy.
- My blog is mine. I’m the host of the conversation.
- Blogging is therapy for information overload disease.
- My blog is an archive of my life. You might not care about what I was doing and thinking five years ago, but I do.
- Bloggers are green. Like Zem Joaquin is.
- Bloggers overshare. Like Daisy Barringer does, and like I’m doing with this post.
- Blogs are made of people.
Michael Sippey is a VP of Products at Six Apart. He's been blogging since 1995 and blogs today at sippey.typepad.com and michael.vox.com.