I Love Blogging: 'Intersection of History and Biography'
TypePad One is Here for All Bloggers

We Love Blogging

Blog_300 It's obvious that we at TypePad love blogging and with Valentine's Day fast approaching we thought we'd wear our heart on our sleeves and declare our love. We love blogging and we know you do, too! And to celebrate that love affair we invite you to declare what you love about blogging.

Here's how:

Step 1 - Write a post about why you love blogging.

It can be a list of what you love, a story connected to your blog, a person you met through blogging, an opportunity that came your way... anything!

Step 2 - Add a badge and link it to this post:

Right-click and Save As... (Mac users Ctrl + click, Save as...)

URL for this post is http://everything.typepad.com/blog/2009/02/i-love-blogging.html

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Step 3 - Tag 5 Friends

At the end of the post, tag five fellow bloggers to write their own 'I Love Blogging' posts. 

Step 4 - Let Us Know!

Let us know about your post so we can link to it - post your link in the comments below.

To kick off the series we're asking some of our Six Apart staffers to reveal why they love blogging.

Andy, our resident TypePad smarty-pants, on how blogging is about the intersection of history and biography.

Ginevra, our community manager, writes about how blogging can be a reflection of yourself to the world.

Alex, one of our VPs and the head TypePad honcho, tells us how blogging a great meal can bring happiness.

Daisy, our communications editor manager, shares how completely addictive blogging can be.

Michael, another VP shoots out a list of 25 bullets on why he loves blogging.



I just posted the reasons why I love blogging. Thanks for initiating a great topic.


Account Deleted

I love blogging because I like to share the way I make food with other people.

TAS  mania

I love blogging cuz as I go global mobile, I can accumulate a body of work for myself and show it off to friends, fans and clients everywhere.

Melinda L. Wentzel aka Planet Mom

What a terrific idea! And I just happen to have a post (my 100th) that fits the theme! "100 Inane Reasons I Blog..." Hope you get a charge out of it!


I gave you guys a plug. Naturally. :-)


here's mine....


Denise Wakeman

Here's the link to my post: I Love Blogging...Let Me Count the Ways


Blog on!
Denise Wakeman


Spot-on regarding cat vomit. ;)


Love slim-people.com - didn't know you had that going! I big-time need to get my un-tubby blog going. Thanks!


'Fork You' might be my new favorite blog title. Thanks for helping spread the love!

Melinda L. Wentzel aka Planet Mom

Thanx! I was banking on the notion that at least someone could relate to the cat vomit thing. Thanks for stopping by.

Oh, I stopped by, too. Nice site. :-)

My Five Ways...

1) I will purchase that which I do not need and kick myself for it.
2) I will forget to tickle the contacts/editors in my tickle file and lose out on God-knows-how-many wonderful opportunities for writing gigs.
3) I will fritter away untold days and weeks of my life online, obsessively checking stats, etc. instead of pouring myself into something more constructive--like the writing itself.
4) I will visit far too many blogs and beat myself senseless for not being half as good.
5) I will give my kids more lame excuses than I'd care to admit for not prying myself away from the keyboard to "...play with me, Mom."

Ugh. I feel remarkably better having voiced that. Thanks for spawning such a cathartic exercise. :-)


Why I love blogging for www.neckpainsuport.com- thank you for the opportunity Type Pad....



I love blogging for the following reasons (my link is below)

1) It allows my friends, relatives and everyone else to easily keep up on all my adventures.

2) It allows me to provide a laugh to the public about the crazy things I come across in my life.

3) It allows me to easily get communication from friends by allowing them leave comments for me.

.... this, plus many other reasons.

Account Deleted

Great idea! I took the challenge for my 50th blog entry: http://tinyurl.com/da4hbl.

Shannan Sinclair

Inspired me for today's posting. Thank you TypePad!!!


Thanks Andy,

But don't you mean "Disease" ??


Susan Ramey Cleveland

I love this idea. I've posted my "I Heart Blogging" story at

Susan Ramey Cleveland

Here is my link, which didn't take in my first comment.


Robin Hadley Ketro

Here's where you can read about why I love blogging! Thanks for this cool idea!

Quing Obillos

It became my Valentine's Day Entry:

Blogging from the Bottom of My Heart.

Ribsy the Whippet

Thanks for the idea. Dogs heart Typepad!


Happy Valentine's Day, all.



Why I love Blogging..


Thanks for the idea to post about why I love blogging. To see how blogging hones my craft and connects me to my deepest values, go to http://www.thoughtshappen.net/2009/02/why-i-love-blogging.html

Happy V-Day!

Mike Sansone

Great idea. I love Typepad and I love blogging!

Trish L Austin

Love it!


Think Eternity

Mine's up : )


Paula Wessells


Paula Wessells

love to share this!

Martin Atkins

I wrote something that ended up being ridiculously long over in my blog:



Having been tagged by Sandy McMullen - who I don't see on the list! - I wrote soemthing about the effect of my personality on blogging:

Account Deleted

this is so cool :)


Geralyn Camarillo


The Typepad Team

thanks, Geralyn! :)

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