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Calling All TypePad Designers

Are you someone who designs TypePad blogs, or need a great design? Let us know in the comments. We're looking at new and interesting ways to get designers and bloggers connected.

Do you want to improve your blog but not sure where to start? Need some extra help launching a new blog? TypePad's expert Blog Services team are here for you. Our team can evaluate your blog and provide tips on best posting practices, branding, custom domains and banners, and more. Then we take care of the recommended changes for you. Find out more and sign up for our TypePad One Blog Services.


Quing Obillos

I need a cool and sophisticated blog designs. Preferably making TypePad more customizable. :)


Hi, Im in need of a great design. Where can I be connected to experienced Typepad designers?

Auntie Patricia

I am a semi-retired artist, ex-IBMer and former McGraw Hill employee. i publish books, make websites and videos... now I am enjoying designing my own blogs. If you want a custom design -- or to have someone write, proof and edit your blog, please feel free to contact me.

Meghan Weddle

I'd be interested in a design in the business or finance realm, as I have just started a blog on personal finance.

Dave Barnhart

I set up a custom typepad blog for every client, specializing in small and medium sized businesses. Check out the 'Friends' category on my blog: http://BusinessBloggingPros.Typepad.com

Newton Independent

Count me in as needing design help for the local news site I've started.


I love designing me some TypePad blogs! Feel free to check out my design blog (http://www.apronstringsaflutter.com/thepixelboutique/portfolio/) and contact me with any questions!

[email protected]

dr stephanie

Wanted: Designer with eye for style, creativity, and flair to help me design my blog and website.
I am a chiropractor, and acupuncturist who is looking for something that is different from the typical stuffy blog and website.

Savannah Brentnall

I'd love some more sophisticated typepad designs. I'm not up to designing my own, and I don't really want the hassle of maintaining a custom design, making sure widgets work, etc. How about making a typepad "template" where users can upload their own jpgs to make a design? You could just publish the specs for each piece and people could effectively customize their blogs without having to know html.

Anne Boulley

I design blogs and can customize with Flash and video if needed. Some of my Typepad blogs include http://www.menuforlove.com, http://www.divinelydrawn.com,
http://www.dixiedave.com and http://acf-flint-saginaw.org

[email protected]

Anne Boulley

Dr. Stephanie,

I love this site, www.georgeglenparker.com, click on websites and then Chiropractique, it's all Flash, but could be something sophisticated combined with the Typepad ease of use for major content. What do you think?



I would love some help. I'm ramping up promotion efforts, and have been thinking of ways to keep the overall feel, but make it appear more sleek and stylish? Then I remember I'm challenged when it comes to learning code. I barely know how to use Twitter.

Account Deleted

The other post on how to change the borders of your banner was a great tip too. My question is: would it be possible when using of the many excellent templates to increase the width of the 'text' column further than is given?
Even in the template builder you cannot really go wider than 800 px total.

Karin H. (Keep It Simple Sweetheart, specially in business)

Account Deleted

I need help too in changing my design and header. I really need help coz I don't know HTML or CSS

Age of Autism

I would LOVE to take my Typepad blog and re-arrange it more like HuffPo - so I can get MORE news on the front page rather than have posts scroll away into oblivion and hope readers scroll down. Even if we could move the categories to the TOP like a horizontal side bar - that would be a big help. Items tend to get LOST in the left and right sidebars of our 3 column layout.

We have over 50K readers a week now - we need to grow along with them. But I can't possibly afford a major blog design.

So, Typepad, what you got? :)

(PS) I'm very happy with the upgraded service we use. Zalary et al are wonderful. KIM

dr stephanie

Ya - that is exactly the kind of look and feel I am after. Not so much a fan of the spy music...and there are a couple of elements I would change around- but the visuals and the design are really in line with what I want to do with my website!


Kind of embarrassing when a link on Everything TypePad to another official TypePad site doesn't work...

The "Blog Services" link takes me to an error page.


I build custom blogs for entrepreneurs, small businesses and corporate clients.
Quite a handful of sites that I worked on have been TypePad Blogs.
Please feel free to contact me or view my profile for more info.

Christopher Sleight

I can build custom TypePad designs from scratch. I've spent years hacking around with TypePad templates and can make it do most things you want to, including using it as a mini content management system. Feel free to contact me through my site if you think I can help.

Anne Boulley

yeah, the spy music is cheesy, I don't really like music on websites unless it's by choice. I do like that it fits whatever screen resolution someone uses (try changing your window, it will scale appropriately). I also think you can use good images and draw people in better with sophisticated flash, unlike a lot of the Flash used out there. Contact me at [email protected] if you would like to discuss more. I could make up a mockup for you and see if it's on the right track. If you were in Michigan I could barter with you on it. I need a chiropractor! Anne

Home Base Holidays

I need a new design (especially header) for my home exchange site and would welcome ideas.

David Hewson

I love having a web site. Unfortunately since switching to Typepad I no longer have one and no one in tech support has been awake for the last 24 hours to fix a problem which is yours and yours alone. Why do you ask these questions when you can't even serve your existing customers?

J. Hubby

I would love to get help with my blog..I just hired someone to help me and I DO NOT like it. According to him, typepad functions were very limited. Please help this weblog is for my 11 year old son and he is very disappointed. What to do Typepad or anyone who have designing ability?


(Hmmm...maybe an accurate link would help. Let's try this again). I design TypePad blogs...check out my blog; http://www.thepixelboutique.com.

Account Deleted

I design blogs, and I would love to help. Here is mine, which I've done in a more artistic style: http://www.tiffany.typepad.com/

It's in progress: I still have a lot of content waiting in the wings to be added. But let me know if I can help out!


thanks to everyone who's contributed to this thread - I really appreciate it! :)


let me know how I can help. you can email me directly at [email protected].


thanks for the heads up - this was corrected, thanks to your good looking out! My mistake.


Experienced Blog Designer and Developer here. Im somewhat new to the typepad platform but am learning more and more daily.

You can check out my portfolio at http://www.headphonic.com and have a look see at my own typepad blog: http://www.headphonic.typepad.com


I've owned the custom domain for my blog for over two years and would love to actually *use* it but, given the functionality difficulties I've experienced, I'm afraid applying it will open yet another can of worms for which I do not have the time. I read through the How-To instructions but... well... they don't strike me as anywhere near as clear as they could be...

dr stephanie

wrote you an email...
if it doesnt go through : [email protected]

Account Deleted

I'm a content designer and check out my Typepad blog, which I redesigned.


J. Hubby

Hello Tiffany,

i would love love a chance for you to work on my son's blog I paid a guy to help out and it does not look good at all. Please help! [email protected]


We are college students starting a brand new clothing company, and are in need of a custom site. We are going to emphasize our company on education and try new ways to promote our company through our local school district. If anyone could help that would be great.


Take Root Publishing

Hey, I have designed my site, the layout, graphics, everything. I am thinking about designing for others. My site is a bit different as it is an Online Magazine. You can check it out....
I do Video Tutorials for other tech things, I might start a video tutorial series for Typepad users who want to do it themselves.

Let me know if that would interest you.
[email protected]


Lisa Sabin-Wilson

I've been designing custom TypePad blogs since 2004 - click on my name to see some work I've done for TypePad clients, as I just launched my own TypePad blog (finally!)

Would love to help out where I can :)

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