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Add Your Other Blog to Your Sidebar

Lots of us have more than one blog. Here's how the most recent posts of your other blog to the sidebar of your main one:

First you need the feed address of your other blog.

  • For TypePad, users it'll be
  • For Blogger,
  • For WordPress, or for self-hosting blogs:
  • If you are using a different platform reference your help documentation to find your other blog's feed address.


  1. Highlight and Edit > Copy your other blog's feed address.
  2. Login to TypePad and go to your main blog then Design > Content.
  3. Find the module called RSS/Atom Feed and click Add Module.
  4. A pop-up displays asking you for the feed URL. Paste the feed address of your other blog into this field and click Save.
  5. Next you can specify a title for this module. You can also decide if you want to show the most recent five or ten entries. Click Save.
  6. Drag-and-drop the module where you'd like it to appear in your sidebars and then click Save Changes
  7. View your main blog and you should see your most recent posts from your other blog in your sidebar.

Here's the relevant documentation for feed widgets from the Knowledge Base as well as instructions for users of Advanced Templates.


David A. Porter


I am finding your "did you know" type articles very handy!



Fantastic! If you have any 'special requests' please send them our way...

Kate Haley

Aha! I am now one step further towards blog mastery (I wish) and I get more me, all the time, in one spiffy little sidebar. Andy, as always, you have a fan in CA.


Fantastic! Have a good weekend...

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A Twitter User

Can you make it so when they click on your "other blog link," it opens up a new window rather than taking you away from your original blog?

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