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Doing More With TypePad Profiles


Whitney Johnson

This is so cool! Thanks!

Account Deleted

"Wordle" (Wordling?)is a very fun thing that I've done a couple times, once soon-to-be twice at my blog, http://foreverafangirl/. The finished product is quite personalized and informative.
Great topic!

Here's my Battlestar Galactica-heavy Wordle from a just over a month ago

I have some posts that I need to get written for my blog right now but after I get some fresh content it's would be great to do another Wordle again. Typepad has recently added the awesome Twitter box--yay or nay--and I always share my posts. Did I mention that Worldles are fun to do? Great topic!

I have one question though. Who is behind the giant "icanhaz" on TypePad's Wordle? Am I missing a huge topic here on TypePad? ;)

Account Deleted

This is a great idea!


it's the URL shortening service we'd been using lately, but we're going to be changing it up. I think is good too, but there's been some discussion of what everyone's favorite is. Any suggestions are welcome!


thanks! and it's fun too. :)


you're quite welcome.

Luci Weston

I just tried this...very fun. It is also interesting to see the trends of my blog defined by this Wordle grouping.

As for the shortened URL's, I use It allows you up to track 25 hits for free per URL.

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