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Announcing the Week One & Two Winners of the "Green by Design" Contest

Two weeks ago, we told you about the “Green by Design” contest sponsored by One Million Acts of Green brought to you by Cisco.

Today, we’re happy to announce the winners of Weeks One and Two!

Haven’t submitted your eco-friendly badge yet? It's not too late! The contest is going on for another two weeks, so there’s still plenty time for you to send in your design. Learn more about how to enter.

Now, without further ado… The winners!

Week One Winner:

Martin Holland: Our Everyday Earth


Add this badge to your blog.

Week Two Winner:

Update: The original winner was disqualified, which makes our Runner-Up, Teresa Fields, the first-prize winner. Congratulations, Teresa!


Add this badge to your blog.

First-prize winners receive a one-year subscription to MailStopper, a junk mail mail stopper service provided by Tonic. Plus, we will donate $150 to a charity of their choice. (For a list of charitable organizations the winner can choose to donate to, please see the contest rules.)

Show your readers how green you are by adding one of the winning badges to your blog. Read the instructions here.

Each badge links to the One Million Acts of Green brought to you by Cisco website. One Million Acts of Green is a collaborative environmental campaign encouraging everyone to go green. One act at a time. The goal? One million acts of green!

Plus, when these badges receive a million impressions, Six Apart will donate $1000 to The Climate Project.

Congratulations to our winners. Keep those submissions coming! 


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