Answer the QotD for a Chance to Win Three Months of TypePad & a Blog Tune-Up
July 31, 2009
Last month we annouced a new feature, Question of the Day on TypePad, designed to inspire posts on the rare occasion (insert wink emoticon here) when you're suffering from a case of blogger’s block. Last week we introduced the QotD feature into the new TypePad, and to celebrate its arrival, we're hosting a friendly competition amongst TypePad bloggers.
For the next five weeks, whenever you answer the QotD, you’ll be automatically entered into our QotD contest. Each week, we’ll pick our favorite QotD answer and that blogger will win three months of free TypePad Pro. In addition, we’ll also be showing the love by linking to our favorite answer on our @sixapart Twitter stream.
At the end of the five weeks, we will carefully read through every single QotD answer and the one that makes us laugh, cry, smile, or nod in agreement the hardest, will win the grand prize: A Blog Tune-Up from TypePad Services.
Entering is easy. All you have to do is answer a QotD in your TypePad blog. The more QotDs you answer, the more chances you have to win. It's as simple as that, but if you want all the details, you can read the official contest rules here.
Answering the QotD might spark an idea for a question you'd like to see answered by other TypePad bloggers. If that's the case, just email your question to [email protected]. If your submission is chosen, we will publish your question, along with a “submitted by” message and a link to your blog, so not only is it a great way to connect with bloggers, it’s also a chance to get more readers to your blog.In the meantime, we invite you to answer today’s QotD for a chance to win three months of Free TypePad and a Blog Tune-Up. Good luck!