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TypePad Activity for iPhone, Pre, and Android Phones

Activity Stream for the TypePad Mobile web app

The all new TypePad has tons of great new features. One such feature is the stream of recent activity from the people you follow on TypePad. Right from your dashboard you can see the latest updates from your friends, community, and some of the world's best bloggers. But what if you're away from your computer?

Today, we're happy to announce that the activity stream is now available on the TypePad Mobile web app. To try it out, simply sign in at i.typepad.com on your iPhone or iPod touch and tap the new "Activity" button on the dashboard.

In addition, these cool mobile features are now also available for Palm Pre and Android phones, as well as the iPhone and iPod touch that we originally supported. On any of these devices, you can get a great, streamlined version of the TypePad experience, including:

  • Creating and editing posts
  • Managing comments
  • Checking your stats
  • Posting photos via email
  • Seeing your friends' activity on TypePad

We hope you enjoy the new features and look forward to your feedback. Thanks!


Denise Wakeman

This is cool! Glad to know I can log in now on my android phone, though I doubt I'll be writing blog posts on it. I guess in a pinch, it's a handy feature to have. Looks good!

Donna Papacosta

Is there also a feature in TypePad that detects when a blog visitor is using an iPhone or other mobile device, and renders the blog in mobile-friendly style? That would be wonderful.

Account Deleted

Thanks for providing support for Android phones! I just checked it out on mine. Not sure whether I will be using this for moblogging, but it's nice to have the option.

Ester Goldberg

wish you'd get the BLAck Berry app fixed

Paul Potts

i'd agree too

Walt Grayson

Hi Donna. Not yet, but that's a great thought. Thanks for your feedback!

Edward A. Rodriguez

This is a great feature. Do you know what would be great? to be able to respond to a comment directly from the iphone application. Right now, when you want to answer one comment it takes you to the blog itself where you have to locate the message you want to answer to.

The same goes for the message center on the admin panel. Being able to answer to the comments directly there would save so much time!!!


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