Coming Tomorrow: Design Enhancements to Make TypePad Faster and Simpler
Announcing TypePad Micro

TypePad Traffic Tip #10. Reach Your Followers' Followers with Reblog and TypePad Micro

reach your followers followers

This morning we launched TypePad Micro. Micro is a free streamlined blog, powered by TypePad, and optimized for social media. Encourage your readers to share your content with their followers on their very own free Micro blogs. Reblogged content links directly back to your blog, driving traffic from your readers and their social networks. Add the new Reblog button to your design and they can instantly amplify your best posts.

Here's how to add the Reblog button to your posts:

  1. Go to Blogs > (Your Blog) > Design > Content. The Content page displays.
  2. Be sure you have Post Footer checked. Click on the Pencil icon for Post Footer. A pop-up displays.
  3. Check the checkbox for 'Reblog'.

    check the reblog checkbox

    If you'd like this to appear as a button (instead of just a link), select the box to 'Show footer links as buttons?'
  4. Click OK and the pop-up closes.
  5. Save Changes.
  6. View your blog to verify that the Reblog button appears at the end of each post.

Now when your readers love your post, not only can they Favorite it or leave a comment they can Reblog it to their own blogs!

Power tip: Be sure to announce the Reblog button to your readers so they know they can create their own microblogs to share with their friends and network.

This traffic tip is part of our Top Ten TypePad Traffic Tips series. Check back for our next tip tomorrow or stay tuned by following us on TypePad, joining our Facebook page, following us on Twitter or grabbing the feed.


Lily Iris

very interesting. i hope we have more NEW template with multiple color. thank you


Interesting, sounds so similar to something i've heard before........maybe tumblr? reblog is a great idea, it helps blogs grab the viral edge that twitter has. Check out my site if you want to see how it works on tumblr. I'm interested to see how this works for typepad. I'm always looking for a place for my wordpress blog that I don't like updating.


I clicked on the Post Footer checkbox and the Pencil icon for Post Footer and the illustrated pop-up display did not appear. I get the old Footer Configuration with two columns, Title and URL. How do I get Reblog?


Follow-up . . . Okay, I went to "Blog" Footer instead of "Post" Footer. I got it to work on both, the posts and pages for Quotes by People on Stamps, ( but it only works on the pages in Avenues to Success Notes (

Neil J Lloyd

Great new feature though the pop up doesn't work very well on netbooks - you can't scroll down to reveal the OK and Cancel buttons


Nice, but not sold yet. When I can send private posts to specific groups of followers, then I'm in. That was a Pownce feature, I absolutely loved.


I like it. the best ever from typay

mobile copywiter

Teacake Martini

I have "Blog Footer" and clicked the pencil icon. The "Footer Configuration" shown on the illustration above does not appear. What I do have are the 2 columns with title & URL. Where is the option to check Reblog?

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