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TypePad Motion 1.1.1 just released!

Party in Chicago!


Andy from the TypePad team (pictured with quality assurance cat, Astro) will be moderating a lunchtime discussion at the Word of Mouth Supergenius conference in Chicago this Wednesday. Here's the scoop:

You'll learn to be a fantastic word of mouth marketer with 12 how-to classes, 12 real-world case studies, and 6 brilliant authors - all in 1 day! You'll learn practical, hands-on techniques to get started, grow your program, and earn amazing word of mouth. With case studies from companies like Domino's Pizza, Starbucks, FreshBooks, Maker's Mark, Fiskar's, LEGO, Coca-Cola and Intuit.
We've also got a special discount code for you:

Use coupon code ANDYISMYHERO and get $101 off registration.

Full details here at



Sounds like a great program. I'm new to blogging and tweeting and "gasp" I don't have a facebook. Maybe I'll check it out.

Tracy Sparks

Andy moved on to the east coast right? no longer at typepad... who is the replace?

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