From blog to book: The Cheap Diva shares her wisdom on moving to print
Hey TypePad New Yorkers -- You Busy Later?

Ads that Drive Conversation: TypePad Conversations

Today we are pleased to announce TypePad Conversations, a new product that inspires meaningful and Tpconversationsauthentic conversations across the social web.

Collaborating with influential bloggers, we craft provocative questions that appear on selected sites and in the Quick Compose box on the TypePad Dashboard.

You can log in to TypePad and check out the "Q" Conversations tab to see today's question. If you are inspired to answer the question on your blog you can do so, or you can take part in the conversations happening on participating sites like Betty Confidential, Jessica Gottlieb and Geekweek or at, where we aggregate all of the questions and answers.

From time to time TypePad Conversations will be sponsored by selected brands, and we are pleased to have Sprint be our first sponsor.

If you have a question please let us know! You can read more about how this works on the Six Apart blog.


Kofla Olivieri

Good luck with this new feature :-)


Inspired idea. How is the meaning and authenticity of the conversation ensured?

A Twitter User

Thanks! It's wonderful when TypePad releases new features geared specifically to drive traffic to our websites. I also love the fact that you're using conversion as the tool. The ability to dialog with our readers is one of the things which makes blogs unique and worthwhile.

Since Between The Pages focuses on food, I'll be sending you some suggestions for food related TypePad Conversations.




Couldn't have came at a better time.

Matthew Kelly

Certainly an 'added value' idea. I like it very much...

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