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Posts from December 2010

Tis the Season to Give (and win!)

Your very special TypePad Support team has decided to donate what they can to Heifer, a nonprofit organization that aligns its work and efforts with that of the well-known "give a man a fish...teach a man to fish" proverb. If you're not familiar with Heifer, here's an excerpt from the organization's website:

"Heifer International is a global nonprofit with a proven solution to ending hunger and poverty in a sustainable way. Heifer helps empower millions of families to lift them out of poverty and hunger to self-reliance through gifts of livestock, seeds and trees and extensive training, which provide a multiplying source of food and income." -- About Heifer

Have you chosen to donate in some way this season? If you have, leave a comment to this post and let us know your favorite charity or organization. If you have an inspiring story of how a charitable act has affected your life, and would like to share it, please include those as well!

Because the TypePad Support team knows how important blogging can be for both health and happiness, we want to help start the new year off in an awesome way. That is to say, we have decided to host a giveaway!

Yay--we love giveaways! At the end of this one, we will randomly award one free year of the Pro-Unlimited plan to several people. You do NOT have to be an existing member of TypePad in order to enter, but if you aren't, then you will need to register for an account if you win so that we can apply the credit.

Here's how it will happen:

  1. Leave a comment as requested above (only one entry per person, please)
  2. Read other comments that were left (this is just to make you feel good, but we recommend reading since you'll learn about other charities and organizations trying to make a difference!)
  3. Share this post with your friends and family so that they have the opportunity to win a blog of their own
  4. Patiently wait until January 14th (you can do it!)

Come January 14th, we will draw for the winners and announce them here at Everything TypePad!