Nieman Journalism Lab & Dan Zarrella: When to Share
March 30, 2011
After collecting more than two years of data, Zarrella shared his findings Tuesday in a webinar called “The Science of Timing.” That science is less about when and more about when not — what he calls “contra-competitive timing.” The trick is to reach people when the noise of the crowd has died down.
Considering this morning's Keep it Simple post about generating more Audience, this reblog seemed pretty timely. Click through to this post from Niemen Lab to read some great insights on how to make the most of Twitter, Facebook and via email. You you can look through the Science of Timing presentation, embedded below, to get a feel for the data. Dan Zarrella of HubSpot digs into the data and shares some really great information about the optimal time to tweet to get more followers on Twitter vs. more click-throughs to your blog.
Check out TweetWhen and let us know the best time to Tweet in the Comments!
While marketing tips are certainly appreciated, I personally would like to see more posts, or an update about what is in the works for considering customer suggested user enhancements, made by Typepad community members in the past.
Posted by: Liz@ThisFullHouse | March 31, 2011 at 06:44 AM
Hi Liz! Thanks for the suggestion. We are working on upcoming posts to Everything TypePad about new features in development for TypePad. We have some exciting things in the works we're anxious to share with everyone!
TypePad Support
Posted by: JenOwn | April 01, 2011 at 12:27 PM
some really great information about the optimal time to tweet to get more followers on Twitter vs. more click-throughs to your blog.Yes, typepad is really amazing. Thanks for sharing such important article with us.
Posted by: Account Deleted | April 08, 2011 at 03:54 AM