Mommy Shorts
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Featured Friday: Get Your Weekend Started!

Over the past couple of weeks, our Featured Blog has been full of eye catching, engaging blogs, ranging in subject from personal history to tea to design, crafting and parenting! We've picked the best of the best on TypePad to inspire you and introduce you to your next favorite read. What better way to kick off a relaxing weekend than with a new blog to wile away the idle hours? We suggest starting here:


Chotie Darling

image from

Teaspoons & Petals

image from


Bloom Blog

image from


enJOY it

image from


Mommy Shorts

image from


What are your favorite TypePad blogs? We'd love to know! Tell us in the comments, or by suggesting a blog in our Featured sidebar!


Kofla Olivieri

This is an excellent idea!

Account Deleted

Idea is great. There is one question: can I do drafting of my blog for myself? thx

Jay Joe

wow this is a great idea. keep it up


good help thanks

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