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Adding A Flickr Slideshow To Your Blog

Adding a slideshow of images to your blog is easy to do. In the TypePad forum, Simon and Avery have shared their preferred tools for creating a rotating slideshow for your blog. We've also provided you with information on rotating the images in your blog's banner.

One of our favorite photo sharing sites, Flickr, has some built in tools which make it easy to share all or some of your Flickr photos on your blog.

Flickr's slideshows can be embedded in a post or page. If you have a set of photos at Flickr for Thanksgiving, for example, you can embed a slideshow of the set or tagged photos directly in a post on your blog describing your holiday festivities.

When viewing your Flickr photostream or set, click the slideshow button. In the upper, right corner, click the Share link to open the link and embed options. The default width is 400px. If you have a 500px wide main content column, you can click to Customize this HTML to change the width of the slideshow to 470px wide to fill the column. Then copy the embed code.

In TypePad, create a new Post or Page and click to the HTML tab. Paste the code for the slideshow within your post. To see how the slideshow will appear on your blog, click Preview. Please note the Rich Text view should not be used after the slideshow code is added to your post. Finally, click Publish.

To share a preview of all your Flickr photos and link to your full photostream, a Flickr badge can be placed in your blog's sidebar. Go to badge generator at Flickr to configure your badge. An HTML badge or A Flash badge can be added to your site. For your sidebar, we recommend the vertical and thumbnail configuration for the HTML badge. Choose colors which will stand out against your blog's background.

Copy the code provided by Flickr for your badge. In TypePad, go to Design > Content, select the Embed Your Own HTML module, and click Add This Module. Paste the badge code in the pop-up box and click OK. After rearranging the sidebar content, click Save Changes to update your blog.

If you are using the Chroma Theme, use the Custom Sidebar module to add the badge code. With a Mixed Media Layout, you can add the badge with a Notes TypeList.

Other photo sharing sites have slideshow creation tools as well. You can find out how to create a slideshow with your Photobucket photos here.

What's your favorite slideshow creation tool? Let us know in the forum.


Kofla Olivieri

Thanks for the tip. A while back I created a photo slideshow page using photobucket.

But I would rather prefer if we could create a "flash" page using HTML in Typepad. Here is a link to mine,

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