My Marrakesh nominated for Best African Weblog
February 16, 2012
We know many of the best bloggers on the internet are using TypePad, and we love seeing TypePad blogs nominated for awards. My Marrakesh, a TypePad blogger since 2006, is nominated for Best African Weblog in the the 2012 Bloggies.
Go read My Marrakesh and then vote for her in the 2012 Bloggies.
To vote for My Marrakesh, go to the Twelfth Annual Weblog Awards site, select the African category, check My Marrakesh, vote for at least 2 other blogs, and scroll down to the end of the page to complete the form. You'll be sent an email to confirm your votes.
Congrats, Maryam!
Is your blog nominated for or win an award? Let us know in the comments!