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Featured Blog: Oui, Chef!

NAME: Steve Dunn
BLOG: Oui, Chef!
WHY WE THINK OUI, CHEF! ROCKS: Steve Dunn is a blogger on a mission to encourage parents to teach their kids how to cook and eat well. The 40-something father of five brings a passion for all things French, and a rather lengthy education in French cooking (including a well earned “Le Grande Diplome” from Le Cordon Bleu, experiences at The Ritz Escoffier and Lenotre cooking schools, and course offerings of the famed Bordeaux L’Ecole du Vin) to his blog every day.

He uses "Oui, Chef" to chronicle his experiences spending time in the kitchen with his kids teaching them how to cook, and as a vehicle to encourage other families to follow his example and do the same.


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Great if you have Les Creuset! If you don't, good luck affording it. I'm only commenting on this because it's one of the tasks I need to complete before my blog is "100%" or whatever.

But this chef knows his stuff and the recipes are pretty cool. As a cook myself, I feel like one of his kids learning in the kitchen.

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