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Posts from April 2012

Featured Blog: Vol.25

NAME: Jessica Rose
BLOG: Vol.25
WHY WE THINK VOL.25 ROCKS: You've probably seen blogger and artist Jessica Rose around before; perhaps you found her her thanks to this oft-pinned post (who can resist cheesecake?), via her Etsy shop, or her popular Photoshop templates and tools, but any way you slice it, this family friendly Lifestyle blog full of art, decor inspiration, and great photos is a charming addition to your favorites. Must bookmark!


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From the SAY blog: Why Mobile Content Is So Hard to Get Right

Mission Impossible?

Mr. Hunt, this isn't mission difficult, it's mission impossible. "Difficult" should be a walk in the park for you.

Mission Commander Swanbeck

As a foreign correspondent in London ten years ago, my job was to unearth innovative new startups for my business magazine's readers. I traveled across the Continent from Helsinki to Milan meeting entrepreneurs, venture capitalists and big company researchers to write about the next big thing.

In the summer of 2002, I attended a launch party for a startup demoing their nascent service at a swanky Haymarket bar. Upon walking in, there were printed instructions to visit one of the tables playing music and then navigate through a maze of confusing WAP mobile phone menus. What resulted was my phone magically told me the name of the song playing in the room. The party was Shazam's coming out party. It took almost ten years for the music recognition app to truly gain widespread recognition but, for me, it was the first time I saw firsthand what was only possible with a mobile phone.

Ten years later, publishers are still plotting the best ways to engage readers on mobile devices.

The stakes are high. As technology continuously improves, the percent of content consumed from mobile devices increases. On average, 20 percent of sites’ content is now being consumed in mobile browsers. But, evolving technology platforms and consumption patterns makes it far more difficult to succeed on mobile than it is on desktop.

And the challenge of building a great mobile experience isn't solved by simply ensuring the content displays in the right way in the right environment. The bigger challenge is to figure out how best to match the content and mission of that publisher with the unique properties associated with varied operating systems, devices, browser and app environments.


Featured Blog: Stay at Stove Dad

NAME: John Donohue
BLOG: Stay at Stove Dad
WHY WE THINK STAY AT STOVE DAD ROCKS: Run by the cartoonist and editor of the best selling anthology "Man with a Pan: Culinary Adventures of Fathers who Cook for their Families," Stay at Stove Dad chronicles one father's time in the kitchen cooking for his wife and young daughters, and features tasty recipes, good tips, and humor just as exquisite as its food!


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Integrating Zemanta into your compose experience

We're very happy to launch a new feature to our Beta team today. Recommended Links will make adding useful and relevant links to your posts fast and fun. It's powered by our new partner Zemanta (read their press release about the integration) and is the first in a series of integrations that will help bloggers add great links and photos to create even richer posts. If you'd like access to Recommend links right now, please visit your Account page and check the box to join the Typepad Beta Team.

Continue reading "Integrating Zemanta into your compose experience" »

This Design is a Real Treat


Mary owns a bakery and uses her blog, Cake Talk to share her passion for baking cakes and pastries. She wanted a new design for her blog that incorporated the branding from her website, so she contacted TypePad blog services about our Design Creation Service. We took her logo and some of her favorite photos and we created this lovely new banner and design. It's simple and elegant, and I like how the banner and navigation bar areas are blended together.

If you're looking for a new design for your blog, sign up for our Design Creation Service today. And don't forget to visit Cake Talk for a look at some delicious treats!

P.S. You can view this and many other great blogs in our portfolio.

Featured Blog: Oui, Chef!

NAME: Steve Dunn
BLOG: Oui, Chef!
WHY WE THINK OUI, CHEF! ROCKS: Steve Dunn is a blogger on a mission to encourage parents to teach their kids how to cook and eat well. The 40-something father of five brings a passion for all things French, and a rather lengthy education in French cooking (including a well earned “Le Grande Diplome” from Le Cordon Bleu, experiences at The Ritz Escoffier and Lenotre cooking schools, and course offerings of the famed Bordeaux L’Ecole du Vin) to his blog every day.

He uses "Oui, Chef" to chronicle his experiences spending time in the kitchen with his kids teaching them how to cook, and as a vehicle to encourage other families to follow his example and do the same.


FOLLOW: TypePad | Twitter

Headed to the Products Are Hard conference? Hear GM Jeff Reine speak about reinvigorating TypePad!

6a00e551c7a9b488330148c7c91a24970c-250siAs the person responsible for guiding TypePad's business and product strategy, GM Jeff Reine knows the business of blogging, and he'll be sharing his insights (and talking about reinvigorating TypePad) at the first annual Products Are Hard conference next week.

Products are Hard focuses on the art of product creation with speakers and audience members from various industries. Speakers and panelists will include product leaders from Zynga, YouTube, Clorox, Wikipedia, Yammer, and several other companies, including SAY Media!

The conference takes place on May 1st at San Francisco's Whitcomb Ballroom. If you're already planning to be there, don't miss Jeff. Not registered yet? You can do that right here this week.

Want to hear more from TypePad's own Jeff Reine? Follow him on Twitter, and catch his blog here on TypePad.

Featured Blog: The Tribal Tomato

NAME: Spiri Tsintziras
BLOG: The Tribal Tomato
WHY WE THINK THE TRIBAL TOMATO ROCKS: The Tribal Tomato is a blog of juicy musings about food, family and connection, brought to you from Downunder by writer, mother and food obsessive Spiri Tsintziras, who shares her thoughts about how food can bring us together. Spiri focuses on connecting with family, friends, and neighbors, returning to the traditions of our parents and grandparents, things we may have forgotten about in our busy, urban-dwelling lives. But that isn't all! Spiri also shares insights into cubby houses, village homes, games you can play and other miscellaneous musings of the whimsical kind.



Did You Know?: Adding the Author's Name to the Post Footer

Adding the author's name to the post footer is one of the best ways to make sure that your readers know who's writing the posts that they're reading. Having your author name in your post footer will strengthen your identity in the minds of your readers. This is especially important if you have a blog with multiple authors, just like this one.

To add your name to your post footer, simply go to Design > Content and click the pencil icon for the Post Footer. Check the box for the Author Name option and click the OK button. Save your changes and the author name will now appear in your post footer.

You can read more about this in our Knowledge Base.

We hope you found this useful! Check back every other week for more "Did You Know?" tips to help make your blog even better!

Featured Blog: The Rest Is Noise

NAME: Alex Ross
BLOG: The Rest Is Noise
WHY WE THINK THE REST IS NOISE ROCKS: Alex Ross knows music. After all, he has been the music critic of The New Yorker since 1996. His first book, The Rest Is Noise: Listening to the Twentieth Century, won a National Book Critics Circle Award, the Guardian First Book Award, and the Premio Napoli, and was a finalist for the Pulitzer Prize. He also has published an essay collection, Listen to This. His blog, The Rest Is Noise, is a daily favorite of millions; won't you join them?


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