Typepad 101: Little Tricks to Make Blogging Easier!
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Retiring Typepad Anti-Spam and Switching to Impermium

As you might have read, we're disabling TrackBacks system-wide as part of our battle against spammers. Another huge step in this direction is by partnering with Impermium, a premier provider of social spam protection services, and retiring our own Typepad Anti-Spam service.

Spam is a very serious problem for each and every person on the Internet and using an industry leader like Impermium is one of the best ways for us to face it. We know spam has been making the Typepad experience less than ideal, so by using Impermium and their spam fighting techniques, we're tackling the spammers head on.

This switch-over will be invisible to you, though you may see a slight uptick in spam while the system becomes better at recognizing it. Rest assured - this will only be temporary and soon you should have a much better comment experience.

We've sent out an email to all people that have implemented Typepad Anti-Spam on non-Typepad blogs, so if that includes you, please be sure to check your inbox. If you have any questions, we're always here to help.

Simply leave us a comment or open a Help ticket and one of our support team members will be happy to assist you.


Megan {Velveteen Mind}

I love seeing this attention to detail at TypePad. The temptation (and pressure) to switch to WordPress is constant in our community, but I've been at TypePad since I started Velveteen Mind six years ago and I have yet to be swayed.

Compared to my WordPress magazine? TypePad is a more stable host and actually does have less spam.

Keep it up. Keep improving.

Bronwyn ...

This new Typepad feature is very much appreciated.
I have a constant battle with spammers- and it was driving me crazy!

Amy Flynn

LOL! This is TOO TOO funny! TypePad posts a post about increasing spam and disabling the current Anti-Spam service to switch to a better one... and RIGHT here on this post is a SPAM comment! Can't overlook the irony of this one!! (see "Amber Buchanan" above)

Isn't there a way to get the Imperium up to speed before disabling the TypePad Anti-Spam? No one likes spam nor wants more of it, if even for a limited time.


I just hope legitimate posters of comments to my blog don't suddenly find their comments blocked as spam when in fact they are not. I guess time will tell.

A Twitter User

Trying to fight spam is similar to fighting mosquitoes in the height of summer. The critters are deceitful, notorious, malevolent and of course pesky. I hope that Imperium is effective in its battle against spam and that its efforts to combat it will not cost Typepad users effort, money or time.Let's hope the people at Typepad are equally responsive to it's users needs.


Hi Amy,

Spam is something that affects all accounts within Typepad - that includes Everything Typepad.

We are working with Impermium very closely to get their filters to be the best possible for Typepad. However, there will be some adjusting while the filters are implemented.

We're planning on minimizing this in various ways, but we did want you to be aware that you may see an increase while we're working on this.


Aron Duby

Would it be possible for someone to send me the email that went out to non-typepad blogs? I'm a developer who has set this service up for numerous clients (each with their own typepad account) and it appears everyone has deleted that email.


Aron - This is what I received re my Movable Type plugin

Hello there,

You're receiving this e-mail because you use Typepad Anti-Spam on your site. We wanted to let you know that we will soon be retiring this product on March 1st.

To make sure your anti-spam needs continue to be met, we've partnered with Impermium (http://impermium.com?utm_source=TPAS&utm_campaign=37e9b23f8a-TPAS_February_20132_6_2013&utm_medium=email), the premier provider of social spam protection services. Impermium works with some of the largest sites on the web and are respected for their customer service, so we know you’ll be in good hands. There will be no interruption of service and in the near term you do not need to do anything, as we will automatically route your requests to Impermium. In most cases going forward, they will be the ones working with you to combat comment spam. For high-volume and enterprise sites, Imperium will reach out to you to discuss paid products that may best suit your needs.

We'll get in touch with you before the transition takes place, but if you have any questions or need additional assistance, please let us know via our Help system or visit: http://impermium.com/typepad-antispam?utm_source=TPAS&utm_campaign=37e9b23f8a-TPAS_February_20132_6_2013&utm_medium=email


The Typepad Team


I was just about to 'bitch' until I read, "...though you may see a slight uptick in spam while the system becomes better at recognizing it." I am getting flooded all of a sudden although flooded is a relative term. Getting four or five a day when I used to get that number in a couple of months. Hope Imperium is a fast learner haha. But seriously, keep up the good work Typepad. I'm sure this was a smart move for the community.


How well does this system work in terms of false positives?

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