Typepad Master Class: Highlight the blogside search
Out of Beta: Sidebar Image Uploader and Author Photo Configuration Options

Did you know? Typepad is on Pinterest!

Do you love Pinterest? We do! We also love following our Typepad Bloggers on Pinterest so here's a friendly reminder to give us a follow!


Do you have a pinboard dedicated to your blog on your Pinterest? If not, then you should! This can work if you usually include eye-catching images with your posts.  Every time you update your blog, pin it.  Having a pinboard for your blog is a good way to gain exposure and new readers.

Sharing your post on Pinterest is easy to do if you have a Pin It hover image set up for your blog. If you rather not use this feature, you can use the Pin It button in your post footer, which you can enable at Design > Content > Post Footer.

Don't forget to add the Pinterest Widget to your sidebar! It's a great way to share your pins with your readers, right on your blog.

We'll be sharing more pins from our bloggers and adding more boards for different topics and interests, so keep a look out!

Do you have a Pinterest account? Leave your link in the comments so we can all check it out!


Dinner N' Dash


Francesca Stone

Hey, this is my Pinterest account:


I do already have a board dedicated to my DIY blog, although I forget to update it from time to time... Off to check out Typepad on Pinterest! Can't wait to see what you've got for us!

Tammy Shaia


Dominique King


Keri Lee Sereika


Going to check out your pins now also!

Account Deleted

Thanks for sharing everyone. We are following all of you! Are there any more?

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