New for Beta users: A Responsive Design!
March 18, 2014
We have a very special and exciting new feature that we hope all of you Beta users will try out: a Responsive blog theme! This is for all of you folks who have asked for blog designs that look great at any screen size, from tiny mobile phones all the way up to giant widescreen monitors. Oh yeah, it's awesome.
There are a lot of technical details around responsive design but all you really need to know is that your blog will look good at any screen size, without the need for a separate mobile version of the blog or the theme. It's all in one - the design itself adapts and responds to the size of the reader's screen.
Because this is a brand new thing for us, we wanted to start with a simple theme that Beta users can try out and put to the test. If you don't want to use it on your blog, we understand! We have instructions for creating a test blog so you can see the design in action before making a committment.
To use the theme, just go to Blogs > Design: Choose a theme and look for Snap in the list of all themes. Then take a look at your blog on your computer, your mobile, your tablets, your microwave ovens - anything you can use to get online.
Here are some notes to keep in mind:
We're mostly testing for functionality at this point. We'll be adding fancier looking responsive themes soon but we need to get the foundation in place first. You can still jazz the current theme up with Custom CSS, if you're so inclined.
Some features are different with the responsive theme:
- The navigation bar has four options for where it shows (sticky at the top or bottom of the page, above the banner or below the banner) but you won't be able to use Advanced coding there. We think the enhanced positioning is worth the trade off. Plus, something neat happens at the smallest screen size, so you'll want to check that out.
- We've streamlined the post footer sharing options and styled those to look nice.
- Images in blog posts are responsive, too! They'll scale down at smaller screen sizes automatically. It works best if you insert your images at the small, medium, large or "full" settings, rather than a fixed pixel width.
With the above points in mind, we really, really want you to try the theme out and give us your feedback and findings. You'll be helping us build a solid foundaton for future responsive themes.
If you see anything that looks like it doesn't belong or isn't quite right, just open a help ticket and tell us what you're seeing. Please be sure to include browser/device info, the link to your blog that's using the theme and if you have a screenshot, that's helpful, too.