Add an image to your blog's sidebar
April 21, 2016
Adding an image to your blog's sidebar is an easy way to make your blog more engaging. You may want to display an image that is related to your blog's theme, promote a cause or issue that is important to you, or just show off a great photo you took.
To add an image to the sidebar, go to the Design > Content page for your blog and find the "Add a Sidebar Image" module (it will be one of the first items in the list of modules).
When you click the "Add module" button, a pop-up window will open where you can configure your sidebar image. To upload your image to the module, click on the "Upload image" button at the bottom of the module. This will open a new pop-up window where you can browse for the image you want to use. After you have selected the image, click "Insert image" to upload the image and be returned to the configuration window.
The image that you uploaded will now be displayed in the configuration window. You can then configure how you want the module to display (you could also set the configuration options first, and then upload the image).
You can add a descriptive label for the module that helps you remember what image it displays. If you have multiple sidebar image modules, giving each one a unique label is a good idea. (The label is not displayed on the blog.)
If you want, you can add a caption for the image - unlike the label, this will be displayed on the blog. You can also choose to link the image to another web page. This might be a page with more information about the image, another page on your blog, or a site that you are using the image to advertise for.
If you do not link the image to a URL, then you can either have the image link to a pop-up window where the image displays full size or have no link or pop-up at all. If you do link the image to a URL, you can have the link open in the same browser window or tab or in a new window or tab.
After configuring the options that you want, click "OK". You can then drag and drop the module to the place where you would like it to appear in the sidebar. Finally, click "Save Changes" on the Design > Content page.
Are you using sidebar images on your blog? What kinds of images do you use and for what purpose? Tell us in the comments!