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Design Tools: the Head Module

Each blog is made up of specific areas, loaded with content, that isn't always seen but shares vital information with search engines. One such area that you may have heard of is the Head element, often referred to as the <head></head> tags. The Head area is a container of information that includes the title of the blog, meta data like keywords and blog description, as well as scripts and linked CSS so your blog looks and performs the way you want it to.

We have you covered for the necessary Head content in your blog's design, but what if a third-party service requires you to add custom data? If you have an Unlimited or higher account plan–find out how to upgrade if you're a Plus plan member–you can find the Head Module at Design > Head of your blog's dashboard.

There are several reasons for why you may need access to add additional content to the Head portion of your blog's design:

  • site verification tags (e.g. Google, Pinterest)
  • custom meta tags
  • OG tags for Facebook (we already include the required OG tags in your templates; learn more)
  • third-party scripts for tracking or advertising
  • importing custom styles/stylesheets

Are you using the Head module for a specific purpose or service that's not listed above? We'd love to know what those are and how they're adding to your blogging experience.


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