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Images turned sideways? A quick image tip.

Composing posts with a smartphone or tablet is a common occurrence these days. What do you do, then, when your image orientation isn't saved and those uploaded images are turned on their side? Our integration of the Aviary image editor is a quick solution to fix the orientation of your image.

After you've inserted your image, and you notice that the image is showing in the incorrect orientation, simply double-click the image. The Aviary image editor will pop up in a window, presenting additional image editing options. One of the first options shown is the Orientation tool, which is what you will use to rotate the image left, right, or flip it top to bottom.

Change orientation of sideways image
Orientation tool will help rotate your image to the correct orientation.

After you click the Orientation tool icon, the pop up will change and present you the options to correct the orientation of your image. In our example, we clicked the left rotate option to get our image into the correct orientation.

Image is rotated

Simply click the Apply/Save button to save your change and return to the compose editor. All in all, the process takes less than a minute to complete and get you back to composing your post.

Do you have a favorite Aviary feature that helps you with your compose experience? Any image tips you think would be helpful to a new blogger? Feel free to share in the comments below!


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