Create A Call To Action Button
July 18, 2017
One of the best pieces of advice I got about marketing is “Tell people what you want them to do.” A Call To Action button is a great way to tell people what you want them to do. Drive readers to join your mailing list, subscribe to your blog, or purchase a product or service. Buttons make your blog interactive and can be branded to fit your business. There are 3 great free sites that we use to create buttons for Everything Typepad.
Da Button Factory
Da Button Factory may sound funny (maybe spammy), but it is fun to create buttons here. Put in your call to action, change the font and the color, then download the image to your computer. If you want a fancy button, you can add text, style, border and shadow. Very simple to use! Below are some examples of buttons you can create through Da Button Factory.
Button Optimizer
As with the other button maker, you can change the text, color, add padding and much more. What makes this stand out is you can add an icon to your button. Search through the many icons they offer to find one to help your call to action stand out. They have many to choose from! Here are some examples of buttons created by the Button Optimizer.
ImageFu is another free button and badge making site. You can make a button, but what is cool is you can make a badge to go with your site as well. If you are great at something or were voted #1, let the world know. Add your badge of honor to your website. You can use the badges as buttons as well. Below are examples of badges we would give out if we voted for best blogger in the world.
Once you have your button saved to your computer, you can upload the image to your post. Once you have the image where you want, click on the image to highlight, then click on the Insert/Edit Link button (looks like a chain). Put in the URL and click OK.
These Call To Action buttons can be used in posts or added to a sidebar to direct readers to your shop. The easier it is for readers, the more success you will see!
There are many sites out there that can help you create buttons for your blog. Share in the comments any that you use!