Interview with Joe from the bookofjoe blog
July 22, 2017
Bookofjoe is the musings of Joe Stirt. He uses his blog to post something that will interest, amuse or inform anyone who happens to visit. He has many interests and his blog explores all of them. In one post he will show you the Big Mac index and in another he explores the evolution of the Lego logo. Thankfully, he took the time to answer some of our questions so we can learn more about him and his blog.
1) Can you tell us about yourself and your blog?
I’m an anesthesiologist by profession and a writer by passion. I started bookofjoe in August of 2004 when blogging was THE thing and I’ve never stopped, even as blogging has lost its “flavor of the month” quality. No matter; it’s become part of who I am and what I do.
When I began, I posted daily, ramping up quickly to 8 posts/day, appearing hourly 7 days/week 365 days/year.
I kept up that pace until a couple years ago, when a major depressive episode (my fourth) leveled me and it was all I could do to put up a post every week or so. I recovered after 21 months of being pretty much inoperative, and resumed posting, twice/day.
I’m apt to post on ANYTHING: major topics include fashion, medicine, art, history, design, poetry, books, movies, sports, inventions (my own and those of others), writing, science, food, technology, cars, current events… you name it.
2) What is your process for writing a blog post?
I find something interesting and write about it, whether it be a picture, news item, idle thought, what have you.
3) What is the funniest thing that has happened to your blog?
Soon after I began bookofjoe, I posted about Steve Wozniak, remarking on his lack of athletic prowess. Somehow he happened on my post, and posted a comment that, on the contrary, he had been a varsity pole vaulter on the Homestead High School Track and Field Team. That taught me not to EVER assume anything but rather to source everything that appears on my blog. Excellent lesson.
4) What is your favorite feature in Typepad?
a. The fact that I — a certified card-carrying TechnoDolt©® (my neologism) have been able to use it from the get-go, which for me was in 2004.
b. Also, it’s rarely down in recent years, unlike earlier outages which, let’s be honest, happened far too often.
c. I like the format and the way it looks on my computer screen; I am very pleased at how good it looks on my iPhone — and how all functionality for my readers has carried over intact regardless of device.
5) What is the most important thing you have learned from blogging?
That readers like it A LOT when they can count on your posts appearing on a schedule.
6) You have a few minutes, what is your go to tip about blogging?
Use correct spelling and grammar. Readers unconsciously devalue material that fails to meet that standard, thinking if you aren’t accurate about stuff they know, it’s likely your content falls short as well.
7) What is one goal for your blog in the next 6 months?
Just keep on keeping on the way I have been for 13+ years.
About Joe
Joe was born in Milwaukee, left for sunnier skies (U.C.L.A.) at age 18, stayed there till he was 35, then got tired of LA and retreated to Charlottesville aka Podunkville, Virginia, where he remained. He wanted to be a major league ballplayer until he was 15 and realized it wasn’t gonna happen. He had no idea what he would do next, until Viet Nam became a real war and medicine & the draft exemption that accompanied med school attendance beckoned. Life takes you places you never thought you’d go.
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The bookofjoe is on Twitter, YouTube, Amazon, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn and Google Scholar.
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