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Scheduling Posts for the Holidays

Scheduling Posts for the Holidays

Life is bustling during the holidays, and you may not have the time to write posts for your blogs this time of year. To make sure your blog does not go dormant, you can write posts in advance and schedule the posts to publish in the future.

Typepad's Publish On function is easy to use, and you can schedule many posts to publish automatically weeks in advance. From the Edit Post page, select Publish On... from the Status menu.

Publish On

Then, a pop-up window will open where you can set the date and time and click OK.


Finally, click Schedule to save your post. You can go back and edit the post anytime before it is set to publish.

Another quick tip: If you take a vacation from posting during the holidays entirely, you can use the Welcome Message feature to let readers know when you will return to blogging. Go to Settings > Basics to add your message. Click here to learn more!

What ways are you preparing your blog for the holidays? Let us know in the comments or tweet @typepad.


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