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5 Things To Do For Your Blog in 2018

5 Things To Do For Your Blog in 2018

It is a new year and everyone is thinking about what to improve. You can improve many things, but we recommend you focus on your blog. We complied a list of five things you can do to take your blogging to the next level!

Go Mobile

In 2018 more and more people will be on their phones (they are pretty amazing after all). You want to make sure your blog is easy to read on a mobile device. Typepad is here to make it easy to switch over to a mobile theme. You can use our new Design Lab to customize one of our mobile templates. We recommend you create a test blog and design a new mobile theme. Once your design is complete, you can apply it to your main blog.

Custom Domain

A domain should be simple and easy for your readers to remember. You want a domain that tells your reader exactly what your blog is about. Typepad lets you purchase a unique domain and map it to your blog. To purchase a domain, click on the Accounts tab, then Domain Mapping. Under Domain Mapping, type in your domain and click on Check Availability. If your domain is available you can purchase it and apply it to your blog.

Blog Goals

Goals can  give you focus for the year. Create three goals for your blog; one short term goal, one intermediate goal, and one long term goal. Creating the goals may be the easy part. The next, and maybe the hardest part, is breaking the goal down into steps that you can keep track of. The steps should have measurable results and a time frame. Our best advice for you is to write down your goals and your steps. Use a program like Wunderlist to keep track of your progress.

Learn New Things

When you are comfortable with your blog that is when complacency kicks in. It is important to learn new things to help grow and get out of our comfort zone. Learn something new about your blogging subject or learn something new about blogging (like adding an image gallery to your blog posts or create a YouTube channel and start posting videos through Typepad). Use what you have learned and share it with your readers. Show them you are an expert and they can trust your blog.

Read A Book

“If you don’t have time to read, you don’t have the time (or the tools) to write. Simple as that.” -Stephen King

When you read you increase your vocabulary and cognitive skills. Reading books will greatly influence your writing. You can read a book about writing, blogging, or whatever you want. The point is to read. Reading helps you get inspiration for your own writing. After you read something you gain knowledge you can use in your own writing. Two great books that come highly recommend to help with writing are Bird by Bird by Anne Lamott and Everybody Writes by Ann Handley.

What is on your 2018 checklist for your blog? Share in the comments to inspire others! 


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