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Posts from September 2018

Featured Blog: Hewn & Hammered


Hewn & Hammered it the home project blog of your dreams. The site is full of wonderful hints and tips for all kinds of home projects to repairs. Learn more about architecture styles and see them restored. Read their book reviews to find the perfect book for the perfect project or inspiration.

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Can I Make My Blog Not Look Like a Blog?

Landing Page_2
Did you know that your blog with Typepad does not have to look like a blog? If you have a business and you want to keep your blog but expand your web presence, you can build a website around your blog.  

When someone visits your blog, maybe you do not want them to go to your blog right away but to a "Welcome" page instead which can point them to different places on your website (including your blog).

Post or Page

Every blog includes Pages which can be set up separate from your blog.  Pages are not date driven like blog posts and they do not appear in your blog feed.  One of these pages can be created as a Landing Page.  The Landing Page is the first page your visitors see when they visit your site.  By default, this would be your Typepad blog but you can change this by changing the "Front Page" settings.  

Once your page is created and saved, it becomes available to set up as your front page in your settings.  You can access this by going to Settings > Posts > Front Page. The name of the page you just created is included in the drop-down menu to select. 

Front Page Display

After you save your Landing Page, a URL will appear in this section for your blog link. It will look similar to: 

If you wish to add a link to your blog on your Landing Page, this would be the URL to use.  Other types of pages you can link to on your Landing Page would be an About Page, Contact Page, or a Shop to sell your item or service.

Once your Front Page is saved, your "blog" will have a new look!

Welcome To My Website

If you wish to not display the sidebar on just your Landing Page but on the rest of your blog, you can do this by adding CSS code to the HTML editor of your page.  The CSS code differs based on the theme you are using: 

Have you created a Landing Page on your blog? Share a link in the comments so we can check it out! If you want to create a Landing Page, sign in to your Typepad account today to get started. 

How To Add A Pinterest Button To All Your Images!

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Pinterest is a great place to get your blog seen! Who doesn’t love spending free time searching Pinterest for their dream DIY? Make it easy for your readers to add your amazing images and posts to their Pinterest boards by adding a Pinterest Save button.

First,  go to the Pinterest Widget Builder and click on the Save Button. From the Button Type drop down, select Image Hover. Select if you want a round image or a large image.

Example of hover button

After you are done designing your button you will be given code to add to your blog.

Pinterest Code

From your Typepad account, click on the Blog tab > name of your blog > Design > Content. Add an Embed Your Own HTML module and Paste in the code. Give the module a name and click on OK. Last, click on Save Changes. Don't worry, the Label will not show on your blog. 

Embed Your Own Code

Now your readers can share your amazing images on their Pinterest boards. Just hover your cursor over the image to see the Save button.

End Result

Log into your Typepad account today to get started.

Our Favorite Third-Party Integrations: ShareThis

ShareThis Integration

We know how important it is to share your blog content with your readers on social media.  The share buttons we offer in the blog post footer is a popular feature but there is just not enough room to include every social media platform out there.  That is why one of our favorite third-party sources to integrate into Typepad is ShareThis.

Before you create your free account at, you must have a Unlimited account or higher as the Head module is required to set this up on your blog. 

When you add your blog, you will get a red message that says: 

We were unable to verify **your blog URL**. Please ensure sharethis.js is copied to header of your site!

Click the "Get the Code" button and copy the code that appears in the pop-up window. Open a new browser window (keep ShareThis open) and in your Typepad account, go to Blogs > (select your blog name) > Design > Head, and paste the code provided and save your update: 


Then go back to ShareThis and click the "Verify" button and you will get a message saying that the installation was successful.  Now you can create your share buttons! ShareThis allows you to add more share buttons to your blog posts such as LinkedIn, Reddit, Tumblr, and more. 


You can set up the "Sticky Share Buttons" that appears on the left side of your blog, "Inline Share Buttons" which appear at the bottom of your blog post, or customize your share buttons.  

If you only want the buttons to appear on the left, just "turn on" the Sticky Share Buttons on top, and click which channels you want to display as well select the alignment, label, size, shape, count, etc.  then you are all set! There is nothing else you need to do.  The buttons should take a few minutes to appear on your blog.  

To add buttons in your blog post footer, there is an additional step which involves using the Signature module in Typepad. In ShareThis, select the "Inline Share Buttons" option. Like the Sticky buttons, turn on Inline Share Buttons, and copy the code: 


Place this code in your Signature module at Design > Signature, make sure it's checked off to enable it. You can also select which buttons to display, size, shape, and count.  As long as you have the code saved on your blog, any changes you make in ShareThis should be reflected on your blog after a few minutes. 

Here's an example of a blog that has both set up: 


With some social media platforms getting more strict with automated shares to their feeds, including share buttons to your blog posts is a good way to still share your blog content on places like Facebook and Twitter.  Do you include share buttons on your blog?  Sign in to your Typepad account and get started today!

Featured Blog: Indrani Perera

IP Logo

Indrani Perera is full of the adventurous spirit of Australia. With her blog, she shares her explorations with her readers. She's passionate about using natural materials and traditional methods to make the things she needs. From creating pesto, traveling to Adelaide, and making her own toothpaste. She does it all and then shares all she learns with everyone. Join in on the experience by following her blog today! 

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How To Create An Effective Donation Page

Effective Donation Page

Creating a specific donation page can help tell your readers how and why to donate to your nonprofit or cause. You can add your donation page to your navigation bar, plaster all over social media, and share in print (QR Code or shorten Bilty links). Not only will a good donation page make it easy for readers to donate, it will also explain what that money is going towards, and track any progress in collecting donations.

Create a specific donation page

A specific donation page makes is easy for your readers to know what you are raising money for and how to donate. You can add all your fundraising efforts on one central page that is easy to update. With Typepad, we made it easy for you to create a page for your website.

From the Post tab, click on Pages on the left. Then click on New Page to create a new page for your blog. Customize the page with the suggestions below, then click on Publish. Now you can add this link to your navigation bar and anywhere else you want to focus on collecting donations.

Clear ways to donate

When asking for money for your nonprofit or cause, you want to make it easy for readers to donate. They should not have to look around searching for a way to give you money. Having multiple options is a great to maximize your donations. Add a PayPal button to the page, if you accept mail in donations clearly write your address. If you have GoFundMe page, add their GoFundMe campaign widget to your page. Clearly put this information in at the top of the page.

How are you using the money?

Are you using the money to shelter kittens? Feed hungry stray dogs? Buy sock for the homeless? Let your readers know. The more they know about what their money is going to, the more they may be willing to donate.

Track your progress

People like to see progress, if they see you are close they may be willing to donate more. The GoFundMe campaign widget will show your progress for readers to easily track. 

Log in to start creating your donation page now.