Typepad Bloggers Weekly Roundup
January 21, 2019
Every week we share Typepad blogs that have caught our eye and have shared over social media. Check them out!
Stay up to date with Australian news from Michael Smith. He gives his take on what is happening around Australia.
IELTS is a language proficiency test. If you have to take it, then IELTS-simons is the blog for you. Improve your English language skill even if you are not taking the test.
Learn more about Amanda Soule's life by visiting her blog SouleMama. She blogs about her life on a farm in Maine, her garden, and her family.
Written by Amy, Amalah is a blog about her day to day neurotic life. Learn more about her life by following her blog today.
Green Car Congress is about technological advancements in transportation to reduce the impact on the environment. When you get that fuel mix right, you get your rocket ride.
PumpTalk is a blog created by Petro-Canada to share information and engage in discussion about fuel issues. Weekly posts about #gasprices, reducing #fuelcosts and much more. Read more today.
If you love Madonna, you will love the blog, Madonnalicious. A UK fan site created by fans for fans. Get all your Material Girl news and strike a pose!
Welcome to Jillibean Soup! They develop products for scrapbooking, cardmaking, DIY and all around fun products to help you be creative.