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6 Tips For Creating The Best Domain

6 Tips For Creating The Best Domain

After creating your blog, you will start thinking about where your readers are going to find you, that is your domain. Make a domain that is memorable for your readers. While we make it easy to purchase your domain, it may not be easy to think of a unique domain for your blog. We are here to help!  Here are 6 tips to help you create the best domain for your blog. 

1) Represents your blog
Your domain should tell your readers what you are blogging about. It is like the title of an amazing book. Readers should get a sense of the story or journey you are going to take them on. 

2) Make it easy to spell
Only Mary Poppins and Google knows how to spell Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious. Use common spellings of words in your domain. Don't be tempted to use unique or complicated words to help your blog stand out. Your readers may not remember the special spelling and get frustrated when trying to find your blog. If you really want a unique name, check out the Pro Tip in #3.  

3) Select the correct top level domain
Top level domain is what comes after the dot (.com, .org, etc.). Most readers will automatically use the .com when typing in your address. If you can get the .com version of your domain you should. You can also look into other top level domains to help your domain stand out. For example, if you're blogging about beer you can purchase a .beer domain.

Pro Tip: You can have more than one domain point to your blog. If you purchase a fun top level domain, like .beer, you can also purchase .com and have it forward to your blog. The same is true for different domains. If you have a name that may be spelled wrong, you can register the wrong spelling and forward it to your blog.

4) Avoid a long string of words
You want to make sure it is clear what your blog is about. Keep your domain short and  memorable. Don’t add too many words or it may be awkward to say out loud or too long to type. Think of an overview of what you are blogging about.

Example: You are blogging about how cute your toddler is. Would you want your domain to be TheToddlerYearsofBrianMcGruffin.com or ParentingMoments.com

The second one is more memorable and can be used throughout your child’s life. They will only be a toddler for a few years.

5) Say your domain out loud
While it may look great on paper, keep in mind you may have to tell people your domain in person. You want to make sure it sounds good out loud. Does it roll off the tongue? Make sure the words are easy to pronounce and are understandable to all.

Pro Tip: Use your thesaurus! If your domain sounds awkward and you need to think of a new word, the thesaurus is here to help.  You can find new words with similar meanings to make your domain stand out. 

6) What about social media?
Once you find the perfect domain your job is not done yet. You need to go to Facebook, Twitter and Instagram and make sure to start an account with that domain name. Even if you don’t plan on using those platforms you want to register them so they are under your control.

What other tips would you add to our list? Share in the comments your secrets to the perfect domain. 



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