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Featured Blog: Nestled In Quietude

Did You Know? Submit Your Own Design

Submit your own design

Do you currently use a Design Lab theme as your blog design? Tap into your creativity by submitting your blog design to be featured on Typepad! You may have noticed an orange "For Designers" button when you click the "Design" tab for your blog. 

For Designers

This button is only visible if you currently have a Design Lab theme applied to your blog.  While you may not consider yourself to be a "Designer", if you put together your own blog design, then you are! Go ahead and click that button, here's what you'll see: 

For Designers

A preview of your current design along with the design settings enabled.  Scroll down to section 2 where you can submit your theme. Give your design a fun name, include your name and blog URL. Then select a default layout (e.g., Two Column Right) and check off the box confirming that you are the owner of any images you may be using in the design.  If you are unsure about what kind of images to use on your design, refer to this article about what you need to know about using images on your blog.

If you want to play around and create more than one design, we recommend creating a test blog in order to test out design changes. This way, you can edit your design without it effecting your primary blog and submit your design through your test blog.

Theme submissions are curated and if approved, your design will be included in our selection of pre-made designs that bloggers can use for their own blog.  Don't delay, submit your design today!


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