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Seen On Typepad: Lotus In The Mud

New Domain Name? Check Your Links!


Congratulations! You just set up Domain Mapping and your new blog is loading with your new custom name! While your permalinks, category links, and archive links may be working with the new domain - some links still need to be manually updated to reflect the new blog URL.

Mapped to blog or entire site?

How you set up Domain Mapping at Account > Domain Mapping will determine how your new blog URLs will appear. 

If you mapped your domain name to the entire site, your blog URL will also include the folder name of your blog (ie: www.example.com/blog_name/).  If you mapped your domain name to a specific blog, the folder name is not included.

Navigation Bar

The links in your Navigation Bar will still have your original Typepad domain (example.typepad.com) links saved.  You can update these links by going to Design > Content > Navigation Bar, and click the pencil icon to edit your Nav Bar links.

Blog Footer 

Also located at Design > Content, the Blog Footer module includes a link to your blog by default.  


If you previously set up any Typelists for your blog that includes links to the original blog URL, go to Library > Typelist, and update any links saved with the old links.


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