Why You May Want Multiple Domains
February 27, 2020
A top-level domain (TLD) is what comes after your web address. It is usually .com, .org, or .net. These would be the most common TLD out there. You may not know that there are many others that you can use to explain your blog and add pizzazz to your domain.
For example, you may be a band that runs a blog to keep your fans informed of all your tour dates, new albums and more. It would be fun to have a .fans TLD to help your blog stand out.
Here is a list of all the top-level domains offered by Typepad:
.attorney | .dog | .jobs | .org.uk | .tech |
.band | .es | .kitchen | .photo | .tel |
.bargains | .eu | .lawyer | .photography | .theatre |
.beer | .family | .lgbt | .pictures | .today |
.best | .fans | .life | .property | .trade |
.biz | .fashion | .live | .review | .tv |
.blog | .feedback | .love | .reviews | .us |
.business | .futbol | .me | .sale | .us.com |
.ca | .game | .mom | .shop | .vet |
.co.uk | .games | .name | .shopping | .vote |
.com | .garden | .net | .site | .website |
.com.au | .group | .news | .social | .wedding |
.company | .help | .nl | .software | .wiki |
.cooking | .in | .nz | .store | .work |
.de | .info | .online | .studio | .world |
.desi | .ink | .org | .study |
Wow! That is a lot of TLD to help you stand out.
Universally when you think of a domain, you automatically think of .com at the end. If you use a different TLD, we recommend you purchase the .com version of the domain and forward it to the main domain.
Forwarding is also handy if you have a commonly misspelled word in your domain, you can purchase the misspelled domain and forward it to the correct spelling of your domain.
Forward Your Domain
Let’s stick with our earlier example of the band. Their blog is at bandrules.fans, but they want fans who go to bandrules.com to land on their bandrules.fans site.
First, you will need to purchase the domain you want to forward (in our case bandrules.com). In Typepad click on the Account tab, then Domain Mapping. Here you can purchase your domain. After the domain is purchased do not map it to your blog.
Once you have purchased your domain, you will need to log into our domain registrar. This is different than your Typepad account.
Quick Tip: If you are unsure of the login information for the registrar, please contact us and we will be able to get you access to the account.
Once logged in, click on Login (Your Name), then My Account. Under Manage Orders, click on List/Search Orders. Here you will see a list of your domains. Click on the domain you want to forward (bandrules.com). Here you will see an overview of your order.
Scroll down to Domain Forwarding and click on Manage Domain Forwarding.
Add www to the Sub-domain prefix. Under Destination URL, select https:// from the drop down and add the www version of your main domain (in this example www.bandrules.fans).
Click on Advanced Settings to turn off URL Masking. Turn on Sub Domain Forwarding and Path Forwarding. Save your changes.
It may take up to 15 minutes for the forward to start working.
Now you have 2 domains pointing to your blog. You will not miss out on any readers of your blog if they don’t use the correct domain. Share with us what unique TLD you use for your blog in the comments.