5 Ways To Clean Up Your Blog
Featured Blog: Everyday Sociology

Spring Cleaning: Cleaning Your Blog Sidebar


Now that we're coming out of winter and thinking about tossing out the things we no longer need, it is also a good time to take a closer look at your blog's sidebar content.  Do all of your links still work? Are there any broken images? Did you notice your blog is taking longer to load? These are things to think about when reviewing your sidebar content.

Not Loading Securely

Images that have been uploaded to your sidebar before the SSL certificate was applied to your blog domain might still display the http:// version of the image URL.  This can lead to your blog loading as non-secure. You can go in and simply update the URL to https:// and your blog will load as secure again, easy-peasy!

Loading Slow

Review all the modules in the sidebar to make sure you know what they are and how they help your blog.  Outdated widget codes will slow down your blog's loading time. For example, if you still have a Sitemeter counter in your sidebar, this service is no longer available. You can use Google Analytics to monitor blog visitor data instead.

Typelist Links

If you have Typelists in your sidebar, check your Typelist lists to see if they are all still working. You can edit your Typelists by going to Library > Typelists. 

Don't forget to check out other ways to clean up your blog from your friends at Typepad!


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