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Featured Category Post: an excellent new way to highlight categorized content!


We're here to announce a brand new feature we're sure everyone will love! Now you can select a featured post for a specific category. 

Crowd  cheering for Typepad

When readers click to view a category page, they can see the featured post before the other posts in that category. Create an introductory post that explains more about the topic or information from a recent post you want to highlight.

Let's get started

First, make sure the post is added to a category. From the Compose page, under Categories, select the categories for your post. 


Next, scroll down to the Feature Post In Categories section and select the category you want the post to be featured in. 

Featured Post in Categories

Pro Tip: You can select more than one category to associate with the featured post.

Once you're done, you can save or publish the post. When you go to the category page, you'll see this post before the others in the category. 

Categories are a great way to help readers find the information they're looking for in one easy place. Don't forget to check back regularly, or keep an eye on our social media, for tips on how to make these featured posts stand out from one category to the next.

Have you created a featured post for your category page? Share it with us in the comments. 


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