Typepad Migration is Complete
Concerning recent Typepad issues

Additional Typepad maintenance

Typepad will be conducting further maintenance this coming weekend to address lingering issues as part of the continued migration to the new data center. During a window from 9:30 pm U.S. Eastern Time on Saturday, October 29 (01:30 UTC on Sunday, October 30) to 9:30 am U.S. Eastern Time on Sunday, October 30 (13:30 UTC on Sunday, October 30), there may be periods where Typepad blogs are down. The Typepad Support team will be monitoring throughout the maintenance period and will post updates on Twitter at https://twitter.com/typepad and here on Everything Typepad.


Brian Hines

Um, you do realize that when Typepad is offline, the Everything Typepad blog isn't available, right? You guys should send emails to your customers when an outage like the recent one occurs. Not everyone uses Twitter, and again, this post and blog can't be accessed when Typepad isn't working.

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