Top Ten TypePad Traffic Tips
November 05, 2009
There's no such thing as too much traffic. You could read SEO blogs until your eyes fall out but the truth is you don't need a PhD in statistics to build your blog's traffic. It's pretty simple, really. To help you out, we've got the top ten things we tell our best friends to do for their blogs.
We've chopped it up into one tip a day. One quick, practical, click-here-do-this thing to do in the morning before your cereal gets soggy or at night before you floss.
Check your blog's stats now to com to your results in just ten days - the Big Reveal.
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Tips so far:
Tip #1: Post More Often
Tip #2: Turn On Google Sitemaps
Tip #3: Invite Compliments with Favoriting
Tip #4: Build Your Following
Tip #5: Share Posts to Twitter and Facebook
Tip #6: Optimize Your Post Titles
Tip #7: Harness the Power of Twitter
Tip #8: Add Email Alerts
Tip #9: Follow Others
Tip #10: Reach Your Followers' Followers with Reblog and TypePad Micro