From our friends at
Mule Design:
We see optimizing websites for findability as a genuine distinct practice and a good thing. SEO is merely a tool. Specifically, SEO is a marketing tool. And the moral value of marketing flows from the mission and values of an organization (adjusted for ineptitude and greed on the part of individual participants conducting the marketing activities).
Also, SEO is not necessarily obvious. Everyone involved in design and development could be doing everything “right” in terms of their craft, and you might still be hiding your offering under a bushel. The set of things we consider to be “search engines” and the range of techniques that count as “optimization” change on a daily basis.
We happily join the chorus recommending that you make something awesome. But if your product is merely legitimate and useful, you probably won’t be social media linkbait without a lot of thought and work. (Apple products are awesome, right? And their marketing is at least as good.)
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